Free Tickets


SFCASA frequently has passes, tickets, and access to academic or extracurricular outlets on hand. Below is a list of all participating organizations and how many tickets we currently have available for each.

Please email to obtain any of the passes below!

Brady Therapeutic Riding - Free “Hanging with the Horses” sessions. Details available HERE.

Children's Discovery Museum - 4 passes

Cinta Aveda Complimentary Haircut - 42 passes

Contemporary Jewish Museum - 16 passes

CuriOdyssey - Free Email for details.

De Young Legion of Honor Museum - 4 passes

Mocha Museum of Children's Art - 1 pass

Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) - 16 passes

Oakland Museum - 6 tickets

Pacific Pinball Museum - 2 gift certificates 

Sacramento Children's Museum - 6 tickets

Touchstone Climbing - Unlimited; details available here.

Please note that we have a limited amount of passes available each year, and once they are gone, there is no guarantee we will get any more. We do our best to renew these opportunities each year.  

Nora Landis-Shack