We speak up to protect abused and neglected children in foster care.
In the last three years, of youth placed into foster care, 40-50% of them are due to neglect, which is highly correlated with poverty and lack of resources, rather than abuse.
A nation-wide crisis faces our foster youth
Around 60,000 children are in foster care in California.
640 of those children are in foster care in San Francisco alone.
The average child spends nearly 2 years in foster care.
By 18, many of these children have lived in multiple homes, attended an average of 9 different schools and worked with 7 different social workers.
Disruption and change are traumatizing youth in the system designed to keep them safe.
Citizen Volunteers are the Local Solution
334 abused and neglected children have an SFCASA volunteer speaking up for their best interests.
106 children are still waiting for a CASA to advocate for their needs.
Brighter Futures For Every Child
One year of SFCASA advocacy costs less than one month of foster care.
CASAs help foster children find safe, permanent homes.
A child with a CASA is half as likely to re-enter the foster care system.
With a CASA as an educational advocate, a child in foster care is more likely to succeed in school and beyond.