The 2015 Annual Report is Now Available
SFCASA is proud to share the accomplishments that you, our community, made possible this past year. From stories of exceptional CASA-youth pairings to heartfelt thank-you's to our volunteers and donors, we look forward to this time of the year when we can show you everything we've achieved together.
Some moments that stand out for us include:
- SFCASA named as one of the San Francisco Giants' AT&T Community All-Stars
- Doubling the percentage of African-American volunteers
- Increasing our percentage of male volunteers to 20%
- SFCASA volunteer Gail Nebenzahl awarded the California Governor's Volunteer of the Year Award
See our other accomplishments and more by reading the entire report. Then, share this post with friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances to help us recruit even more volunteers and reach our goal of 100 new CASAs this year!