Help us Vote to Extend Legislation to Protect California's Vulnerable Children
California's Governor will soon decide whether to sign or vito legislation affecting the California Children's Services (CCS) program, and the tens of thousands of children it serves. Governor Brown is considering Assembly Bill 187, which would extend the CCS program in its current form and provide support and life-saving services to children suffering from chronic, life-threatening medical conditions.
Existing law allows the Medi-Cal program, which is administered by the State Department of Health Care Services and helps low-income individuals receive health care benefits, to enter into contracts with managed care systems, hospitals, and prepaid health plans for the provision of various Medi-Cal benefits. However, existing law prohibits services covered by the CCS from being incorporated into Medi-Cal managed care contracts.
The AB 187 Legislation would allow for the CCS program to be extended until January 1, 2017, giving the department of health care services an extra year to work with stakeholders and redesign the CCS program to be more efficient and best meet children's needs.
The children served by the CCS program need the people's help to convince Governor Brown to sign the AB 187 legislation that will extend vital services to children with significant healthcare needs.
Tell Governor Brown to sign the AB 187 legislation affecting the California Children's Services Program, serving tens of thousands of our state's most vulnerable children.
Visit Children Now to sign the petition and share with your friends to spread the word!