Away from Approved Placement

Often referred to as AWOL



Healthcare, Independent Living Skills, Community Connections, Placement, Education

Why We advocate

Young people in the Dependency System often have learned at an early age how to take care of their own needs. It is not uncommon for them to leave their placement without approval, especially in group care situations, for a few hours or a few days. When they choose to leave a placement they have valid reasons, for example:

  • they don't feel safe in the placement
  • they feel stressed, frustrated, or bored in the placement
  • they want to visit their family, see friends, or simply enjoy themselves
  • they want to experience "just being a kid"
  • they want to avoid hearing bad news about family reunification
  • they want to feel in control of their situation
  • they just need a break

Often the young person feels that leaving placement is the only way they can get what they want, and unfortunately that is sometimes true. In fact, leaving their approved placement to take care of their needs demonstrates strength and resilience. Sometimes when they leave they are staying with family members or close family friends who may later become their official caregivers. At the same time, some young people are more vulnerable to harm, such as CSEC, and contact with the Juvenile Justice system when they are leave an approved placement.

A youth may be considered to be in an unstable placement, and at risk of leaving if they:

  • have had multiple placements in the past few months.
  • are sleeping in different places each week.
  • have a pattern of leaving placements.
  • have recently been given notice of removal by the Caregiver.
  • are placed in congregate care and have expressed frustration or that their needs are not being met.
  • are living on their own or in an unapproved placement.

Staying in contact with a young person who is away from an approved placement is crucial. When a youth has an open and trusting relationship with an adult they can call on for support, it can help to reduce their risk of harm while they are away from placement, and help them to transition back into placement when they are ready.

How to advocate

Establishing a trusting and judgement-free relationship begins long before the young person leaves their placement. Talking honestly about the youth's concerns and reasons for wanting to leave enables you as their CASA to advocate with the placement and care team to address the youth's needs.

If you believe your youth is at risk of leaving their approved placement, it can be helpful to initiate safety conversations. You can strategize with your Case Supervisor about safety related questions that are specific to your young person's situation. Below are some general questions you can ask to help them think through options and consequences of leaving:

  • what options do you have when you feel that your needs are not being met at home / at the group care facility?
  • what would need to change for you to feel like you can stay?
  • do you have a plan?
  • if you felt like you had to leave, how will you stay safe?
  • what supplies can you bring with you (jacket, snacks, phone charger, list of phone numbers...etc.) to help you stay safe?
  • who can you trust to help you if decide to leave and end up in trouble?
  • what will happen when you return? Where will you go?
  • what are your hopes and goals for the next few weeks and months?

If a youth is away from their approved placement, you can, in consultation with your Case Supervisor, set up a "dummy" social media account that is not connected to your personal or professional accounts. If the youth agrees to communicate with you via social media, it can be a way to stay connected even when they are away from their approved placement.

When a youth is away from their placement, they continue to need support and advocacy.

Behind the Scenes:

  • Discuss the situation with your Case Supervisor.
  • Discuss your concerns with the PSW and attorney.
  • Advocate for your youth to have their needs met if/when they return to the placement, or go to a new placement.
  • Ask if there are close or extended family members that might be contacted to learn where the youth is staying. Support with calls to extended family members if appropriate.
  • In consulation with your Case Supervisor, create "dummy" social media accounts to connect with youth.

With your youth:

  • Try to establish a line of communication via phone, email, text and/or social media.
  • Consistently express that you believe in them and are there for them.
  • Offer to meet with them in a safe public place for a visit.
  • Let them know you are not obligated to "report them" or share their location with the PSW if they don't want you to.
  • Listen to and validate what your youth shares about their situation.
  • Support them to connect with medical providers. Take them to medical appointments, if possible.
  • Ask open-ended and solutions-oriented questions about safety (see "Appropriate Language" section below).
  • Be aware of signs of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
  • If the young person is in imminent danger, call 911 and/or report it to Child Protective Services (CPS) Emergency Response Hotline (800) 856-5553.


  • Do not reprimand or judge the youth for leaving their placement.
  • Do not act as an emergency responder, which is the role of FCS or law enforcement.
  • Do not drive long distances to transport the youth.
  • Do not bring the youth to your home or place of business.

Appropriate language

If you are able to be in contact with a young person who has left their approved placement, here are some questions that can help to reduce the risk of harm, support ongoing communication, and potentially facilitate a transition back to an approved placement. (NOTE: do not bring a list of questions if/when you meet with your youth)

  • Are you safe?
  • How do you know you are safe?
  • What is going well for you?
  • Can we meet in a safe place to discuss your concerns?
  • Where do you feel safe for us to meet and hang out?
  • What do you like about being away from your placement?
  • Are you staying in the same place, or moving around?
  • What are you worried about?
  • Who can you contact if you feel unsafe? Or need support?
  • How are you paying for what you need?
  • Are you staying with friends? Are there adults there?
  • Are you in touch with your family? Can I help you connect with other community supports?
  • Are you going to school?
  • Do you have/want your important documents (birth certificate, SS, ID)?
  • May I tell your social worker I spoke with you?
  • If taking medications, do you need help getting a refill?
  • What support do you need from the adults on your team?
  • What would have to change for you to feel ready to return to your placement?
  • How can I support you?

If you are able to have a conversation with your youth, the priority is expressing support and confidence in their ability to make good choices, and keeping the line of communication open. You are not expected to have all the answers, or to provide solutions. Be honest with your youth about what you can and can't do.

San Francisco County

Huckleberry House

HYPE Drop-in Center

Family Urgent Response System (FURS) a 24/7 team can support crisis placement situations

Legal Services for Children

Continuing Education

None at this time

Nora Landis-Shack